Last Updated, Feb 23, 2024, 12:21 AM Press Releases
Marblehead seeking members for town charter committee

The Town of Marblehead is seeking residents interested in serving on a new committee with the goal of creating a town charter. 

An announcement on the town’s website states that it is looking for letters of interest and resumes from residents. The committee will spend close to a year “studying the town’s existing government structure, conducting analysis, and seeking public input and engagement,” according to the announcement. 

Letters of interests and resumes are due by March 22 and should be submitted to the Select Board at Abbot Hall, or by emailing Town Records Access Officer Kyle Wiley at [email protected].

Unlike other towns in the region, Marblehead does not have a town charter, a document that establishes and details the structure of a town’s government.

The Select Board will also be holding an information session for those interested during its regular meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 28. at the Collins Center

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